Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Little girls, is there anything more awesome?
The older Lilly the gets the more I appreciate the above statement. The things they talk about, the things they say it's just the best!!
This past weekend Lilly had her dance bff over for a sleepover, and of course the amount of sleeping was at a minimum! We took the girls to a football game and they ran around the played the ENTIRE time - you would think that would have tired them out, nope not at all!
As soon as we got home from the game and the girls got out of their wet clothes and into their PJ's it was dance party USA in Lilly's room followed by whispering and giggling.
When Sean checked on the girls sometime after 1:00AM they were finally passed out from exhaustion both of them sound asleep in Lilly's bed.
In the morning after a delicious breakfast of chocolate muffins the girls resumed their fun up in Lilly's room. Which ended up looking like a tornado went through it when they were all done and was I mad, nope in fact it put a smile on my face.
As I sit back and look back at the weekend I giggle. I love watching Lilly and her friends interact. I am always entertained by their conversations and their wild imaginations. Everyone should have the opportunity to stop and listen to their children and the wonderful things they say, I'm telling you it's more theraputic than stopping to smell the roses :-)

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